Growing Pains

By Peter Foley (Registered Podiatrist) Growing pains are a common complaint of young patients, with a recent Australian study estimating between 35 and 40% of children aged 4-6 years are affected. Older children may also be affected at any age up to the completion of puberty. What are Growing pains? Growing pains are typified by […]

Does your child walk with “duck feet”? They may have a Tarsal Coalition

Painful ankles, unusual stiff walking, inability to stand on outside borders of the feet?  These can all be possible signs of a tarsal coalition.  Tarsal coalitions are an infrequent but often mis-diagnosed cause of foot pain.   What are Tarsal Coalitions? Coalitions are connections between the tarsal (rearfoot) bones that are not seen in the majority of the […]