Clinic Update – we remain open but with a couple of changes

"Open" sign indicating the spine sport feet is still open during the covid-19 lockdown

We are writing to let you know that we are still OPEN and thank our loyal patients for supporting us during this time. We also wanted to provide an update on a couple of clinic changes that have occurred in the last week. Remedial Massage  In line with Government directives, our remedial massage therapist (Silvia) […]

Have you met our Dietitian?

As patients of our clinic will most likely know, we are very fortunate to be teamed up with Way of Life Nutrition, who have been providing visiting dietetic services to our clinic for quite some time now. For those of you who haven’t met our lovely visiting dietitian, we would like to introduce you to […]

Exercise and Food – Are you doing it right?

By Madelin Barratta (Accredited Practising Dietitian)  It’s that time of year again to pull off our winter woollies and start contemplating our exercise and food goals for the warmer months. But before you start on the next craze found on the internet, Facebook, Instagram or any other social media outlet, take a few minutes to […]